HVAC Control

HVAC Control Management System

Add our universal HVAC Management System to your SiteBoss to save cost and avoid being tied to a proprietary controller.  Most SiteBoss Site Controllers can be configured with the option to provide control outputs to manage standard shelter-style HVAC systems. The SiteBoss can provide remote monitoring of older HVAC systems with no controller, lead-lag controllers, and thermostats and is compatible with single or dual HVAC systems. It features control outputs to support an HVAC system with Cooling Stage 1, Cooling Stage 2, fan, vent (economizer) and heater, or any subset of those. The SiteBoss management system can intelligently decide when to use the economizer to bring in cooler outside air (when used with an outside temp sensor and the controls for the economizer are available). Techs can also override the SiteBoss settings and put the system into Idle, Max Cooling, Max Vent or Max Heating, if needed to handle an emergency.

Benefits of the SiteBoss for your HVAC Control

  • Displays web UI display of HVAC status, alarms and control functions for some non-networked controllers
  • Provides remote control and alarming for systems with no remote access (older controllers, lead-lag controllers, and thermostats)
  • Works with any single or dual HVAC system with thermostat control
  • Costs anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 the cost of an upgrading an existing controller
  • Helps keep HVAC system in compliance with organizational energy directives and policies
  • Provides for energy efficient HVAC system operation that results in lower operating expenses

The SiteBoss provides access to non-network-enabled controllers by replicating the controller interface on an HVAC monitoring page in the SiteBoss web UI. On that page are displayed real time HVAC status and alarm data, with a control section provided to allow setting changes on the HVAC system, as needed. The SiteBoss HVAC Monitoring page provides the same status, alarm and control functions for controllers that don’t have a web UI.

Most HAVC control and monitoring needs can be resolved with the SiteBoss using the appropriate card that allows you to insure the most efficient operation of your HVAC system, and potentially benefit from reduced HVAC-related expenses. The remote access helps operations managers and technicians more easily manage their HVAC systems to comply with organizational energy directives and policies

remote site monitoring system
telecom tower equipment

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