Case Study: Increasing Fuel Visibility for 10K Sites for a US Mobile Network Operator
Cell phone networks become critical public safety infrastructure during major natural disasters. After Hurricane Sandy in the northeastern United States, many cell site locations were forced to operate on backup power sources for up to several weeks, leading to generators running beyond their fuel storage capacity. Our client re-fueled generator tanks but it was a difficult process due to conditions on the ground and extremely inefficient as the Network Operation Center (NOC) had no visibility on fuel levels. There was no way to establish a priority of which sites needed re-fueling first.
Customer at a Glance
- Industry: Telecom – Mobile Network Operator
- Location: USA
- Network size: 40,000 sites
Project at a Glance
- No of sites: 10,000 +
- Project duration (# of days): More than four years to reach 10,000 sites; deployment still ongoing.
- Installed products: SiteBoss S550
- Included services: Installation & Configuration, Systems Integration, and Training
- Main Benefit: Full visibility into generators’ fuel tank levels to prioritize the resupply process.
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